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From Syria to Gateshead

From Syria to Gateshead

From Syria to Gateshead was an artistic and musical exploration of belonging among refugee-background Syrian young people living in Gateshead. It emerged out of a participatory arts-based study of belonging among young forced migrants living in regional cities in Australia and the United Kingdom. Over a three-month period, the fourteen young people represented in the exhibition participated in research interviews and workshops with professional artists and musicians to produce works that reflect their ideas and experiences of belonging.
The love of football, Ammar
Nostalgia for home, Asaad
We won’t forget, Shahed A
We will be back, Tariq
Friendship, Nina and Nivine
My country is unforgettable, Mohamad
Roots, Shahed H
Produced in collaboration with artists Lesley-Anne Rose and Andy Morley.

Most Beautiful Days
Music and lyrics by Nina
Vocals:                 Hussein, Ibo
Drums:                 Nina, Nivine, Morad
Music by Pawel Jedrzejewski and participants
Lyrics by Ahmad and Hussein
Vocals:                 Ahmad
Bass:                    Asaad
Guitar:                  Shahed A, Ali, Hussein
Keyboard:           Ahmad, Niazi

Produced in collaboration with music leaders Isabel Finch and Pawel Jedrzejewski.
Project Team
Participants: Ahmad, Ali, Ammar, Asaad, Hussein, Ibo, Mohamad, Morad, Niazi, Nina, Nivine, Shahed A, Shahed H, Tariq
Professional artists: Isabel Finch, Pawel Jedrzejewski, Andy Morley, Lesley-Anne Rose
Steering committee: Lisa Herron (Gateshead Council), Vikas Kumar (GemArts), Caitlin Nunn (Durham University), Victoria Freeman (Gateshead Housing Company)
Researcher and project coordinator: Dr Caitlin Nunn, Durham University
Interpreters: Asma Sabri, Sham Al Monajed, Diala Al Samawi                                
Song lyrics translated by: Rana Alhussein Almbark and Sam Hellmuth

From Syria to Gateshead is a partnership between Durham University, GemArts and Gateshead Council. It is funded through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions/Durham University COFUND scheme, the Gateshead Council Social Isolation Innovation Fund, and the Durham University ESRC IAA Mentoring Impact Scheme, with in-kind support from Shipley Art Gallery.

Presented as part of the Platforma Festival 2017 . The 4th national Platforma Festival for the arts by, about and with refugees and migrants will take place in Newcastle, Gateshead and Stockton between 19-31 October 2017.