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Cultural Threads at Springbank Pavilion

Cultural Threads at Springbank Pavilion

GemArts Cultural Threads at Springbank Pavillion (recommended age over 18s)

Day/Time: Thursday, 11am-1pm
Dates: 31st August, 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th September, 5th October
Venue: Springbank Pavilion, Leazes Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4BJ
Cost: FREE
Boxoffice: Book online at GemArts hosts Cultural Threads or Drop in 

Gem Arts host Cultural Threads - Thursdays 11am-1pm free

GemArts have various Cultural Threads artists delivering sessions at Springbank Pavilion in Leazes Park. Come along and join artist Lily Terracotta in exploring collage, print making and textile work.

GemArts Cultural Threads workshops are designed for you to learn some of the craft and get creative in the process. Dive into traditional dyeing techniques from around the world while exploring how you can use them and how they can work for you. Natural dyes are a mix of science and wisdom, so whether you feel creative or analytical there's space for you in the dyers kitchen.

All abilities welcome.

Please note: If you are planning to attend the session with under 16s, please email us in advance to check capacity as there are limited spaces. Please note that there has to be active supervision by the responsible adults at all times.

Cancellation: The sessions are very popular and tickets are limited, so please do let us know if you are not able to attend. This will allow us to offer any unused tickets to people on the waiting list. You can let us know that you are not able to attend by emailing us at

Here's a summary of the session to be held each Thursday between 31st August and 5th October by GemArts at Springbank Pavilion.




31st Aug - prepare natural fibres for dye, learn to scour and mordant fabric and yarn for the dye vat. Materials are included but feel free to bring your own cotton, wool or other natural fibres to treat. We'll also experiment with mordant printing, create designs that will be revealed when dyed.

7th Sep - yellow, use Marigold and dyers chamomile to colour fibres yellow. If you're a cook save some onion skins and bring those in for a rich yellow hue. We'll also be making some dye resist to create patterns on fabric using natural rice flour.


14th Sep - red, use traditional madder to create an eye catching red! We'll play with natural minerals to make red inks and watercolours alongside our dye vats.

21st Sep - indigo, learn to prep and use an indigo vat, make shibori patterns, use wax resists and play with this ancient pigment. Indigo can dye natural and synthetic fabrics so feel free to bring something for the vat, but also please don't wear anything precious for this week!


28th Sep - eco dye, forage and feast on natural dyes found in the kitchen and the garden, while your designs gently simmer we'll start to play with some of the dyes element we've made, using discharge printing to create areas of tonal interest. Bring along any avocado skins, onion skin, pigmented spices, tea, coffee or anything else you're curious about colour with you.


5th Oct - dyers choice! this is your chance to make, modify and master. Optional dye vats can be run during the making, just let GemArts’ artist Lily know what you'd like to try again.

Presented by GemArts

Nearest Metro: Haymarket

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