· +44 (0)191 440 4124




GemArts have been working on a project to raise awareness of Mate Crime and how to report it. Mate Crime is a form of hate crime where a vulnerable person, often with a learning disability, is taken advantage of by someone pretending to be their friend i.e. exploiting the person financially, physically or sexually.

Working alongside Gateshead residents with professional artist Tommy Anderson (Baseline Shift), through creative arts and design sessions participants produced an animation and artwork highlighting real life examples of Mate Crime and how the lives of victims can be affected.

Thanks to everyone who was involved in this project, especially The Gateshead Housing Company customer led Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group and Changing Lives Gateshead (Eslington House and Oaktrees).

Thank you to the Community Foundation serving Tyne & Wear and Northumberland (The Gateshead Housing Company Community Fund) for funding this project

If you are a tenant of The Gateshead Housing Company and have been affected by Mate Crime you can contact the Neighbourhood Relations Team:
0191 433 5327

Gateshead Residents (non Gateshead Housing Company tenants) affected by Mate Crime should contact Adult Social Care at Gateshead Council:
0191 433 7033

If the crime isn’t an emergency, call 101
Call 999 if you’re reporting a crime that’s in progress or if someone is in immediate danger.


Project Funded by Community Foundation (Gateshead Housing Company Fund)